Feb 12, 2016

One-Button Interrupt Macro for Death Knights

Continuing with interrupt tools, I took the basis of the Druid interrupt macro and tailored it to the Death Knight. Again, talents impact the options here with Asphyxiate or Strangulate, so the macro has to be smart enough to figure out what is known. Then, after we've used the longer cool down (and more robust) ability to silence all schools of spell casts, then fill in with Mind Freeze to interrupt that specific school.

/cast [mod:alt] Mind Freeze
/castsequence [talent:3/3] reset=combat/15 Asphyxiate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze; reset=combat/15 Strangulate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze

Let's explore the details.

Step By Step

Line 1:
/cast [mod:alt] Mind Freeze
This is simple -- cast Mind Freeze if the ALT key is also pressed. This allows for an override of the sequence in line 2.

Line 2:
/castsequence [talent:3/3] reset=combat/15 Asphyxiate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze; reset=combat/15 Strangulate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze
This will cast a sequence of spells with reset conditions if a condition is met, otherwise it casts a second sequence.

The condition [talent:3/3] checks that we learned Asphyxiate (the 3rd column of the third talent). If we did, then use a reset=combat/15 condition for the sequence Asphyxiate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze.

Why? Let's break it down, knowing that Asphyxiate has a 30 second cool down.
  • 0 seconds: Cast Asphyxiate
  • 5 seconds: Asphyxiate's silence fades
  • 5 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze
  • 9 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 20 seconds: Mind Freeze comes off cool down
  • 20 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze
  • 24 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 30 seconds: Asphyxiate comes off cool down
Based upon the above, I can cast Mind Freeze twice before Asphyxiate comes off cooldown. If I press the macro each time I can, I'm pressing at 0, 5 and 20 and I cycle through my entire sequence. This will reset back to Asphyxiate. However, if I fail to press the button within 15 seconds, then my sequence will reset as well.
  • 0 seconds: Cast Asphyxiate
  • 5 seconds: Asphyxiate's silence fades
  • 14 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze
  • 18 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 29 seconds: Macro resets (no press within 15 seconds)
  • 30 seconds: Asphyxiate comes off cool down
The weak link here is this scenario, where we cast Mind Freeze just before Asphyxiate:
  • 0 seconds: Cast Asphyxiate
  • 5 seconds: Asphyxiate's silence fades
  • 15 seconds: Macro resets (timer).
  • 30 seconds: Asphyxiate comes off cool down
In this case, we would not have an interrupt for the timeline 16 seconds until 30 seconds. That's why line 1 has the modifier to cast Mind Freeze if ALT is also pressed!

Finally, if we don't have Asphyxiate talented, then the sequence is Strangulate, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze, Mind Freeze

Again, let's break it down, knowing that Strangulate has a 60 second cool down.
  • 0 seconds: Cast Strangulate
  • 5 seconds: Strangulate's silence fades
  • 5 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze (1)
  • 9 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 20 seconds: Mind Freeze comes off cool down
  • 20 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze (2)
  • 24 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 35 seconds: Mind Freeze comes off cool down
  • 35 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze (3)
  • 39 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 50 seconds: Mind Freeze comes off cool down
  • 50 seconds: Cast Mind Freeze (4)
  • 54 seconds: Mind Freeze silence fades
  • 60 seconds: Asphyxiate comes off cool down
Based on this, we can cast Mind Freeze four times in 60 seconds. Again, I set the reset to 15 so that the sequence reverts to Strangulate after inactivity, knowing that I can cast Mind Freeze as needed with the ALT modifier.

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