After messing around, I'm pretty happy with the following interrupt macro, as it covers the various states my Druid finds himself in... either in Bear form, or in Cat form, or screwed up in shapeshifting and in no form at all! Here's the macro code:
/cast [stance:3] Skull Bash
/castsequence [stance:1,talent:5/3] reset=combat/30 Mighty Bash, Skull Bash, Faerie Fire, Skull Bash, Faerie Fire; /castsequence [stance:1,notalent:5/3] reset=combat/15 Skull Bash, Faerie Fire; /cast Cyclone
Ok, that's cool, but so what? What does this actually do? Let's step through line by line.
Step By Step
Line 1:#showtooltip
This simply tells your action bar button to update with not only the icon of the ability being cast but to also include the mouseover tooltip associated with that ability. You could also use
which would update the icon, but not include the tooltip. Got it?
Line 2:
/cast [stance:3] Skull Bash
This will cast Skull Bash, but it uses the
conditional to check if your druid is in cat form. If you're not in cat form, this line is skipped and nothing is cast. Nifty, eh?
Line 3:
/castsequence [stance:1,talent:5/3] reset=combat/30 Mighty Bash, Skull Bash, Faerie Fire, Skull Bash, Faerie Fire; /castsequence [stance:1,notalent:5/3] reset=combat/15 Skull Bash, Faerie Fire; /cast Cyclone
Line 3 checks for three different character states.
So, if we are in bear form and we talented Mighty Bash then the
- The first check uses conditionals to ensure we are in bear form AND that we learned the tier 5 talent Mighty Bash (
). Thetalent
conditional checks that we did pick up the 3rd column talent in tier 5, so we actually know how to cast Mighty Bash. - The second check (
) looks for the absence of the Mighty Bash talent (Thenotalent
conditional checks that we did NOT pick up the 3rd column talent in tier 5, so we actually don't know how to cast Mighty Bash). - The third is a catch all when we're not in cat form or bear form.
So, if we are in bear form and we talented Mighty Bash then the
will cycle through some spells (as opposed to a single cast
command). The sequence will cast Mighty Bash the first time we press the button, followed by Skull Bash on the second press, Faerie Fire (assuming we also glyphed Fae Silence) on the third press, followed by another Skull Bash on the fourth press and finally second Faerie Fire on the fifth press before starting the sequence over. The reset
condition will start the sequence over (without cycling all the way through) if we either leave combat or we don't press the button for 30 seconds.Or, if we are in bear form but did not talent Mighty Bash, then the sequence will cast Skull Bash on the first press and Faerie Fire on the second press. The
condition will still start over if we leave combat or don't press the button within a certain period of time, but that time is lessened to 15 seconds because we do not have to account for Mighty Bash's cooldown.Lastly, if we either of the preceding fail (i.e. we're not in bear form) then simply cast Cyclone.
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