Feb 22, 2016

Fishing Forgetfulness... So I Wrote an AddOn

Memory is a bitch. At least when it starts to fail. And for fishing, I really don't want to have to think about much besides "Where am I going for today's Nat Pagle daily?" Meaning, I don't want to update my pre-existing fishing outfit with a temporary Ephemeral Fishing Pole or Hightfish Cap. I just want to cast and pray for my required catches to accumulate as quickly as possible and hopefully catch a Lunker or two.

Ah.... Lunkers! Everything I've read points to having the absolute highest possible fishing skill to increase your chances on drop rates. Well, I have maxed my Fishing skill to 700., so that helps. But wait, there's more! You can get up to 1100 points in Fishing with a few relatively easy additions:

Boom - 700 skill becomes 1,100 skill. Now, I should be expecting some Lunkers.  Right? Hey, Blizzard -- where my Lunkers at, yo?

Anyway, since I'm a lazy bastard to begin with, and I'm getting more forgetful, I figured I'd automate the check in my bags for the temporary  +100 hats and +100 pole. See that's the rub -- if these suckers weren't temporary I'd simply add them to my Fishing Equipment Set and be done. But I'd rather have a fallback (like my trusty Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole and Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat) so that I'm at least wearing something when those magic drops go poof from my inventory. Even when I had fished up an upgrade, I was forgetting to equip the sucker.

Enter Fishing Shack Pro (available on Curse). This AddOn checks if I'm currently using a fishing pole of some flavor, and if so, looks in my backpack and bags for a potential upgrade. This fires each time my inventory changes -- so if I start with my Fishing Pole and I happen to loot the Ephemeral Fishing Pole, the AddOn will automagically equip the new Ephemeral Fishing Pole. Same with hats; if I loot a Tentacled Hat while I'm either hatless or wearing something with less skill points, the AddOn equips the new magic hat!

There are still some refinements I want to make (like improve my test to determine what "fishing" means besides have a fishing pole in-hand or not replacing looted items if a bait buff exists), but this has been working for me and perhaps other WoW players out there may find it helpful.

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