Jun 25, 2015

Update: Automator / AppleScript for AddOns (Mac OS X)

With Patch 6.2, my Automator / AppleScript got a workout!  With repetition, found an issue.  Apparently, not all AddOn authors follow the convention that the main folder contains both a .toc and a .lua file.  So, instead of checking for .lua files, I'm now checking for .toc files.  I had to switch around because while my Mac recognizes .lua as a valid extension, a .toc is not a registered extension so the older test failed.  Now, I check that the file name contains (".toc".

Updated AppleScript

(* This script will process each item selected within Finder and process the item (assuming each item is an AddOn folder or a folder with a collection of AddOns).
With each folder in the selected items, check that the folder contains a file with the toc extension. 
If the selected item (variable this_item) contains zero toc files then it is a parent folder containing multiple AddOns (like DBM).  In this case, begin a second loop over the folders within the item (the variable more_items) and move each folder to the standard AddOns folder. Once all more_items are processed, the parent directory (this_item) is deleted from the source folder.
Hack: a move screws up the count of files so the more_items object is duplicated to the AddOns directory instead of being moved.
Otherwise, the selected item (this_item) contains one (or more) toc files and is considered a as a standalone AddOn, and is moved to the standard AddOns folder *)

on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
 -- define desintation folder
 set wow_addons_folder to folder "AddOns" of folder "Interface" of folder "World of Warcraft" of folder (path to applications folder) as alias
 -- display dialog "wow_addons_folder: " & wow_addons_folder
 set selected_items to selection
 repeat with this_item in selected_items
  -- display dialog "this_item: " & this_item
  set this_item_alias to this_item as alias
  -- count the children objects with a toc file extension
  -- set number_of_files to count of (files in folder this_item_alias whose name extension is "lua")
  set number_of_files to count of (files in folder this_item_alias whose name contains ".toc")
  --display dialog "number_of_files: " & number_of_files
  if number_of_files is equal to 0 then
   -- no toc objects, so assume a parent addon folder containing a collection of stand alone addon files. start secondary looping
   repeat with another_item in this_item
    --display dialog "another item: " & another_item
    --display dialog "Copying " & (name of another_item) & " to " & (name of wow_addons_folder)
    -- hack: move screws up the count and causes errors. duplicate this object instead of moving it.
     duplicate another_item to wow_addons_folder with replacing
   end repeat

   -- after processing each of the children, remove the parent object to avoid moving empty folders to addons folder
   -- display dialog "deleting " & this_item
   delete this_item
   -- display dialog "Moving " & (name of this_item) & " to " & (name of wow_addons_folder)
   move this_item to wow_addons_folder with replacing
  end if
 end repeat 
end tell
return input
end run

Jun 22, 2015

Mac OS X Automator / AppleScript Service for AddOns

Automate AddOn Downloads from Curse

Curse Mac Client Support

The Mac OS X gets no love from AddOn update scripts. I guess I could bitch and moan about this, but really, what would that accomplish?  Instead, let's solve the issue and move on (and indulge my inner wannabe programmer). My solution?